Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Evaluation Q3

Throughout this work the audience feedback has been a big part of what I created and how it changed. During the projects we received feedback from our target audience after every major step, for example after the pitch of our video idea, after all three of our music video cuts, and when we decided to change the whole theme of the video was after audience feedback. When I reached a final stage of completion of a product, I subjected it to audience feedback and made necessary changes that were suggested to help improve the product.

I conducted my audience feedback via two major methods. These were through directly asking the audience a set of questions that helped me find out specific information that helped me develop my work. The second was through a Facebook group in which I posted various versions of products ad changed them dependant on comments made by the audiences in the group.

I found the feedback extremely useful as a tool to tailor my products to suit the audience and maximise the quality of them. When making the music video we were un-sure whether our narrative theme made any sense and if it was worth continuing, so we made a small video with the narrative footage we had filmed, and showed it to the audience. The audience agreed that it was not working and we decided on that advice to change the whole style of the video.  

We took into consideration everything the audience had to say about our video cuts, and when creating the other products the audience feedback helped me shape and form what I created to make a product that best suited the audience.

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